Polyurea is a highly reactive urea based resin, applied hot at the temperature of about 80 °C, sprayed with a special high-pressure two-component device. Due to chemical reaction and temperature gas CO2 is formed, which forms a closed cell structure and thus creates excellent hydroinsulation characteristics of polyurea. Polyurea is applied to different surfaces.
We primarily try to protect the reinforced concrete structure against the influence of salts. There are several possibilities of insulation. Hydroinsulations sprayed by our company: polyurea, polyurethane and polyurea-polyurethane (hybrid).
These are particularly transformer tubs for petroleum products, retention tanks, tanks of pumping stations, tanks under reservoirs and silos, WWTPs. They are often tanks with complicated shapes. The advantage of the polyurea solution is that it is possible to copy the shape of the retention tank fully and in detail and the work is relatively quick.
With insulations and remediations of retention tanks and remediations of waste tanks there are specific and exact requirements for used materials. It is usually protection of building structures, or remediation of building structures, against chemical load of industrial and household waste waters, alkalines, acids and other aggressive liquids.
Flat roofs are mainly sprayed in combination with polyurethane heat insulation when we solve hydroinsulation either with a sprayed membrane on the basis of polyurethane, polyurea or polyurea-hybrid.
There are many possibilities of hydroinsulation of foundations. The application of polyurea has the advantage that it is, unlike other material, sprayed directly to the substrate and in case of perforation the problem is identified easier with the hydroinsulation with polyurea than when the hydroinsulations are laid freely.